Less Talk More Do is a podcast that provides an insider's look, sharing valuable tips, tricks, and insightful interviews with individuals who aren't just talking about it - they're doing it. Athletes, creatives, and entrepreneurs who are making things happen.
Our guests come from various backgrounds and industries, providing diverse perspectives and insights that can help you excel in your own ventures. They are creatives, athletes, and entrepreneurs from around the globe, each bringing unique experiences and wisdom to our community.
Phillip Lindsay: The Running Back
Position, Creativity, Fatherhood,
And Playing In The XFL
(Two Minute Tuesday) Surround
Yourself With Good People
The Future Of The Podcast
Investing for Filmmakers and
Director and author Kerry Lofton discusses
confidence and controlling narratives in the
creative industry
Should you niche down to be successful?
Here are some of my favorites...
Search the shownotes here...
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Curious about a particular subject? Want Lemar to interview one of your favorite brand experts? We'd love to hear from you! Click below to contact Lemar, and share your idea. You just might hear it featured on the podcast soon!
"Jujubes liquorice jelly pudding icing marzipan. Sesame snaps chupa chups donut ice cream dessert bonbon icing tart apple pie. Jujubes jelly beans sugar plum gingerbread pudding chocolate jelly bear claw. Biscuit cheesecake marshmallow chocolate cake jujubes jelly. Jujubes ice cream carrot cake carrot cake icing. Fruitcake chocolate bar chupa chups gummies bear claw soufflé."
Listen, learn, thrive. Less talk more do!